Jason Stones
Founder / CEO
This is a short description about the team member and his role in the company.
George Johnson
This is a short description about the team member and his role in the company.
Anna Lynch
This is a short description about the team member and his role in the company.
Jason Stones
Founder / CEO
This is a short description about the team member and his role in the company.
George Johnson
This is a short description about the team member and his role in the company.
Anna Lynch
This is a short description about the team member and his role in the company.
Unser Vorstand besteht aus engagierten Mitgliedern, die mit viel Leidenschaft und Verantwortung den Judo-Club leiten. Sie setzen sich für die Weiterentwicklung des Vereins ein, fördern den Austausch und stellen sicher, dass unsere Werte von Respekt, Fairness und Gemeinschaft in jedem Bereich des Vereinslebens gelebt werden.